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About: Doug Raynes

February Fellowship and Cox Family Shower

On Sunday night, February 26, we will have our monthly fellowship after the evening service. This month we are having an Italian feast! So break out the pasta! The Eric Cox family is making plans for the arrival of a little boy in March, so the ladies will be showering Mrs. Alysia and “Baby Cox” with gifts following the fellowship time. Everyone is invited to stay after the service and enjoy a great time of food and fellowship!

A Sure Foundation

Peter witnessed the glory of Christ and heard the voice of God on the Mount of Transfiguration. Yet, inspired by the Holy Ghost, he wrote; We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. 

While studying to preach during the month of December, the Lord directed my thoughts to all of the heavenly visions, dreams, and visits by angels that accompanied the birth of our Saviour. How special those times must have been in the lives of Mary, Joseph, Zacharia, and those we refer to as “the wise men”! Yet, as born-again believers, we hold in our hands something far greater! The written Word of God! Peter, who witnessed first-hand His glory, said that God’s Word was more sure than what he heard and saw on the holy mount. If we would be honest, we are so moved and guided by temporal things, and by our senses, that most of us would choose the opportunity of seeing/hearing such an event over reading about in God’s Word. Not Peter! Because we know that “all Scripture if given by inspiration of God,” we realize that this is not simply Peter’s opinion. His statement that the written word is more sure is also a part of God’s divine revelation to man about Himself. God used the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to tell us that HIs Word is more sure than what He allowed Peter to see and hear! The critics would call this “circular reasoning.” I call it powerful, life-changing truth from a sovereign God!

During 2012, the church family at Progress Baptist will enjoy a fresh focus on the Word of God as the Sure Foundation for everything we do. Every service, every special meeting, every activity, every outreach…everything will be based on God’s Word! If we can’t do it on the foundation of the Bible, then we don’t need to be wasting our time, money, and energy. As pastor, my prayer is that our commitment to God’s Word will be deeper and more meaningful as a result of looking at everything we do and say in the light of His revealed truth. I also believe the effect will carry over into our homes and individual lives. Too many professing believers check their Christianity at the door when leaving church on Sunday! What America, and the world, need today is to see real Christians in the workplace, marketplace, and at home who are sincerely attempting to follow God’s Word in every aspect of their lives.

May God’s grace and truth guide us as we build on our Sure Foundation!

What an awesome privilege it is to be a child of God and to serve Him! As I approach my 50th birthday this coming October, it is amazing to see the hand of God working and moving in my behalf. An amazing chapter of my life began one year ago, when God brought me to Progress Baptist Church! This month, our church family is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of Progress Baptist. What an amazing story of the work of God! From his teenage years, Bro. Joe Cox had a desire in his heart to plant a church for the glory of God. God’s hand on this ministry for the past ten years has proven that this burden was from the Lord.

A few months after the Lord moved me here as pastor, Brother Joe and I enjoyed a good time of fellowship over the phone. As we shared with each other how God had worked in each of our lives during the previous two years (as well as before), it was increasingly obvious that our Great God had orchestrated the events long before anyone knew or understood what the Potter had in mind! These events were not always easily understood at the time, but the “fruit” has given witness to the fact that the “root” was holy as described in Romans 11:16. God does all things well. It is comforting to read in the Scriptures how God used frail human beings, with the same issues and sin nature we struggle with today, to accomplish His will. We do have a great treasure in earthen vessels! Praise God that the foundation “standeth sure!” and we can do what He has called us to do!

As we pause to look back over the past ten years since God allowed a faithful group of folks and their young pastor to plant this church in the will of God, let’s be careful to give HIM all of the glory. Jesus said, “Without me, ye can do nothing.” God raised up this ministry, and only He can sustain it! After we look back, let’s  look forward with great anticipation. Let’s pray and ask Him to do great things! He is longing to do great and mighty things for and through His people in this sin-cursed world we live in. Let’s allow Him to use us to shine His light in this society that is stumbling in the darkness of sin, looking for answers and peace in their soul.

“To God be the glory, great things He hath done!” I’m so glad He’s not through!!


10th Anniversary Jubilee

On Saturday, January 28, 2012, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of Progress Baptist Church. Our service that day will begin at 4:00 P.M., and we will enjoy an afternoon of great preaching, singing, and fellowship. Brother Allen Morgan will preach for us first. Brother Morgan was Brother Joe Cox’s pastor when Bro. Joe announced his call to preach, and as a Godly grandfather and pastor, he has had a great influence in Brother Cox’s life. Next, we will hear from Bro. Barry Rackley from Rogersville, TN. God has used Brother Rackley greatly in the history of Progress Baptist Church, and we look forward to hearing what God has given him for this special day.

To close out our special service, Bro. Joe Cox, founding pastor of Progress Baptist will preach for us. We thank the Lord for the faithfulness of this dear man of God and his obedience to our Lord in the planting of this work. We are excited about having him and his family with us that day. Please come and be with us if at all possible. We are looking forward to a great time in the Lord, as we thank Him for His faithfulness over the past ten years.

January Nursing Home Service

This month’s nursing home service at Cardinal Care will be on January 29th, immediately after the morning service. The church family is invited to support this ministry if at all possible.

January Fellowship

On Sunday night, January 15, the church family and our guests will enjoy a time of food and fellowship after the evening service. This month’s fellowship time will feature soups, stews, chili, and sandwiches. Invite someone to come with you, and let’s enjoy a good time together!

January Bible Quiz

On Saturday, January 21, the Bible quiz team, Progress Voice, will participate in the monthly competition of the Piedmont Quizzing Association. Quizzing will begin at 2:00 P.M. at Community Baptist Church on Suber Road in Greer, SC.

Christmas Day Services

On Sunday, December 25, we will hold two services, one at 10:30 A.M. and another at 5:00 P.M.  At the conclusion of the evening service, we will observe the Lord’s Table. If you are looking for a Bible-believing church where you can worship on Christmas Day, we hope you will join us at Progress Baptist.

Christmas Caroling Outreach, December 17

On Saturday evening, December 17, the church family is invited to come together as we go out into the Greater Hendersonville area for Christmas Caroling and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ! We will meet at the church at 4:30 P.M. before heading out. While we carol, we will deliver specially-prepared packets with church information, a couple of beautiful Christmas tracts with a clear presentation of the gospel, and a copy of John/Romans.  Let’s be praying that God will prepare hearts to receive His Word! Afterwards, we will have snacks and great fellowship together at the church.

December Nursing Home Service and Outreach

On Sunday, December 18, our children and young people, as well any others who would like to go along, will hold a special Christmas service in conjunction with the weekly nursing home outreach the Erwin family oversees. We will be taking gift bags to the residents and providing special music for the service. Let’s pray and ask God to help us be a real blessing to these folks. Many times, the holiday season can be especially lonely for some of them, and it would be an honor to share the love of Christ during this time.