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About: Doug Raynes

Christmas Dinner and Fellowship

Our church family will enjoy a great time of food and fellowship on Friday evening, December 16. The event will be held at the Lions Club facility in Etowah. We will begin at around 6:00 P.M., with the meal beginning at 6:30. There will be time of music and a challenge from the Word of God after the meal, so come expecting a blessing!

Missions Emphasis Weekend – December 10/11

On Saturday, December 10, the church family will enjoy a meal together and fellowship with the families visiting with us for our Missions Sunday. The meal will begin at 5:00 P.M. followed by time together in the church auditorium where the missionary families will present their burden for the fields to which God has called them.

On Sunday, our services will be held at the normal times, and preaching will be provided by: Bro. Bob Patenaude, Bro. Steve Nissley, and Bro. Joe Rhodes. Our Sunday lunch will be held at the Lions Club facility in Etowah. The meal is provided by the church. Please be praying for these men as they preach, the services, and for God to bless the mission outreach of our church and that He would enlarge our coasts!

December Bible Quiz – December 10

On Saturday, December 10, the Bible quiz team, Progress Voice, will compete in the Piedmont Quizzing Association monthly quiz. The quiz meet will be held at Fellowship Baptist Church in Taylors, SC, and will begin at 2:00 P.M.

A Very Blessed Fall Season at Progress Baptist

Recently I read an article about thankfulness. The author used the story of the ten lepers who were healed, but only one returned to give thanks. He pointed out that this one noticed what Jesus had done. It seems that too often we receive God’s blessings, and use them for their intended purpose or enjoyment, without really noticing just how good He’s been. As I reflect on the past year, and in particular the past couple of months, my prayer is that our church family will notice what God has done in our midst.

He has consistently met with us in a very real way in our services. Sweet testimonies, anointed singing, and great liberty to preach, teach, and receive the Word have been the “norm.” We cannot take that for granted. Let’s continue to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and watch what God will do at Progress Baptist.

The “Fall Revival” in October with Pastor Johnny Jones was life-changing. God used Brother Jones to feed our souls that week! Then the “Family Revival” held for three days in the middle of November were some tremendous days of help and encouragement from God’s Word. We’ve had a spiritual feast this fall! We’ve also enjoyed our share of good food and fellowship along the way!

He has honored the obedience of the church family in sowing the seed of the gospel; He always does! The organized events have been well-attended and supported by the church family. Others whose work and school schedules kept them from coming on appointed days have joined in by taking invitation cards and tracts to friends, family, and business acquaintances. While we haven’t seen very many of the folks we invited in our services, God has honored the faithfulness and obedience with a steady stream of visitors in nearly every service for several months. I hope we noticed!

Last, changed lives are all around us! There are countenances all around the church that have visibly changed as a result of the presence of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the transforming power of the Word of God. Folks that were heavy on my heart two to three months ago are singing, testifying, worshipping, responding to the Word, and growing in grace! What a blessing!! Several families have experienced deep trials in recent weeks and months. God’s faithfulness has brought them through, and each family has demonstrated a deep love for God and confidence in the knowledge that, “He does all things well.” Spiritual growth and maturity in our brothers and sisters in Christ is a blessing to all of us, becuase we are one body in Christ.

While we thank God for what He is doing for our church family, be careful to look at your individual life and your family and notice what He is doing there as well. Then, take the time to say, “Thank You!” The Samaritan who returned to give thanks received extra help from the Lord that the others never received! God noticed his thankfulness and he was rewarded. I’ve learned the best way to allow God to continue working in your life, is to thank Him for what He is already doing!

Friend and Family Day – November 20, 2011

Most folks will tell you they came to church, heard the gospel, and were saved because someone – usually a friend or family member – cared enough to invite them. The local church, a body of baptized believers, lives with the continual opportunity, blessing, and command to, “go ye!” So, while we need no other incentive to obey this command, the truth remains that our unsaved friends and family may respond to a special invitation.

On Sunday, November 20, we have an opportunity to bring them in! As our hearts turn toward those who mean the most to us during the upcoming holiday season, let’s put forth a special effort to invite them to receive the greatest gift ever given; eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We’re calling November 20, “Friend and Family Day,” and we’re praying for God to allow us to share the love of Christ and the good news that Jesus saves with a great number of guests in our services that day! We will follow our regular service schedule: 10:00 A.M. – Sunday School, 11:00 A.M. Worship/Preaching Service, and 6:00 Evening Service.

Nursing Home Service – November 27

The church family is encouraged to join the Erwin family on Sunday, November 27, immediately after the morning service in their nursing home outreach. Many residents feel particularly alone during the holiday season, and this will be a special opportunity to minister to these dear folks.

On Thursday evening, November 10, Progress Baptist will host a portion of the November quizzing schedule for the Piedmont Quizzing Association. The three teams that participate will be: Progress Baptist, Temple Baptist (Asheville), and Fellowship Baptist (Taylors, SC).

Quizzing will begin at 6:00 P.M., and will last approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. There will be a time of food and fellowship afterwards. Come, support the team, and learn how exciting Bible quizzing can be.

Friend and Family Sunday, November 20

Sunday morning, November 20 at 11:00 A.M., our church family will have a great opportunity to bring friends and family members to our service. Certainly, we want to always be involved in sharing the gospel, but a special day may give a friend or family member a “special” reason to come!

On this special day, we want to share the message of the gospel with those who are unsaved, and we want to show the value of a sound Bible-preaching church to those who may know the Lord but not currently be in a strong church. Let’s pray and ask God to lay someone on our hearts for this special Sunday!

Fall Sunday School Get-Together

On Saturday afternoon, November 5, the children’s Sunday School classes will have a get-together at the church from 1:00 – 3:00. Mrs. Penny Erwin is coordinating the event. All parents of this age group are encouraged to attend. This will be a great time of food, fun, and games for the children of our church as well as those who have been visiting. Encourage your child to bring a friend or family member who doesn’t know the Lord. This will be a great opportunity to sow the seed of the gospel!

November Outreach

On Saturday morning, November 5, we will meet at the church at 9:00 A.M. to continue our outreach into the surrounding communities. We have a few hundred John/Romans/Church info packets that we would like to distribute on that morning. Please come praying for God to use us in a great way to share the gospel.